The Savile Row Co.: Dressed for Success

by Julius Kensan
15th September 2014
Savile Row Co., a luxury menswear line from the famous Savile Row Street, is now stocked in Parkson Department Store and dressing successful businessmen one suit at a time.

Head to the business district in Central Jakarta and chances are you’ll see businessmen stride around in inferior quality and ill-fitting suits. The fact is there are plenty of menswear brands catering to male executives in Jakarta. But the crux of the problem is there are very few quality brands on which those businessmen can rely on.

However, things are soon set to change. According to industry analyst Mintel, global luxury menswear is currently growing twice the rate of womenswear. It comes as no surprise then that Savile Row Co., a luxury menswear brand with more than 70 years experience in the business, has set its sight and foot in Jakarta, where it is currently residing in Parkson Department Store.

For those who are uninitiated, Savile Row Street is home to some of the most revered bespoke menswear brands (as well as The Savile Row Co.) in Britain, where it has dressed influential and prominent figures, such as Winston Churchill, Prince Charles of Wales and Jude Law. As such, the reputation of Savile Row is strongly established and built on bespoke tailoring.

While the products sold in Parkson are from its ready to wear line, the luxury experience of bespoke is not entirely lost. Current Managing Director of the company, Jeffrey Doltis assured that the quality of the products would not be watered down as they “transfer the skills of bespoke into ready to wear line.”

In addition, Savile Row Co. carefully selects products to suit the preference and the need of male customers in Jakarta. A quick glance through their rack reveals fetching shirts that come in commanding colours such as, Crimson Red and Royal Purple. Casual attire is also taken care of with easy selections of short sleeves checkered shirt and polo shirts ideal for casual Friday or a golf-session with fellow colleagues during weekend.

For those who are clueless as to how to start building a wardrobe to match your level of success in business arena, Parkson provides a simple and luxurious solution: Personal Shopper. Here, trained staffs assist in picking and assembling up looks that works best for you. Still, it is not as difficult as it sounds. When asked what is the one piece of clothing that every man should own, he answered white shirt without hesitation. “If you’re going to business meeting and you don’t want to stand out too much, a white shirt is perfect. And it goes with everything.”

So for the sartorially challenged, now you know where to start.


Parkson Department Store

Upper Ground Floor

Lippo Mall Puri, Jl. Puri Indah Block U1

Jakarta Barat