Next Level People Instazine by Manual Jakarta X Samsung Indonesia

by Manual Jakarta
13th July 2016
To celebrate the launch of Samsung Galaxy S7, we collaborate with Samsung Indonesia in creating a series of Instazine where we highlight six individuals through concise interviews about their journey in achieving the Next Level.

With the launch of Samsung Galaxy S7, we have created a series of Instazine in collaboration with Samsung Indonesia, where we introduce six individuals with the spirit to evolve and progress in their journey to achieve Next Level in their respective fields.

We sat down and talked with the THE BOLDES7, THE SMARTES7 and THE TOUGHES7 individuals from various backgrounds – namely Molecular Gastronomy Chef Andrian Ishak; director, producer and actor Lukman Sardi; actor Ario Bayu; national archer Dellie Threesyadinda; founder of and harpist Mesty Ariotedjo; and last but not least, founder of Thisable Enterprise Angkie Yudistia.

This Instazine aims to highlight how through the simple use of smartphone, even when multi-tasking, could help one to carry out daily routines in greater capacity. Learn more about these established figures in their own field through concise interviews that showcase their achievements and desire to advance towards the Next Level.

Featured exclusively only on Instagram, the spread also comes with a short video of each figure, making the Instazine an engaging read while exploring the exciting possibilities of this social media platform. To find out more about the Instazine featuring Next Level People, head to Instagram account @nextlevelpeople and