After claiming the basement in Fairgrounds, SCBD as its home for more than one year, Otoko finally moves to a new space in Gunawarman, where the menswear boutique is now more conspicuous, “location-wise”, than when living in its previous residence.
The boutique stays faithful to its commitment in providing menswear that focuses on character, taste and quality. In terms of label, for the uninitiated, Otoko is known for their flair in gathering alternative brands that are very hard to come by anywhere else in the city.
Names like French menswear label A.P.C, Japanese ready-to-wear brand Visvim, Denmark’s functional streetwear brand Norse Projects, and Australia’s Vanishing Elephant are some among those that one will encounter in Otoko. And it doesn’t stop there – the collection spans to a whole lot other things that are necessary to dress up a man from head to toe: cool kicks, hats, sunglasses, socks, and whatnots.
Otoko’s cultivated and polished characteristics prove to be a nice counterbalance to Monstore’s audacious spirit. With an established name and an array of esteemed labels, there’s no need for Otoko to shout for more attention.