FILM by Davy Linggar

by Julius Kensan
21st January 2015
Noted Indonesian Photographer, Davy Linggar, returns with FILM, a photography exhibition that casts the spotlight on personal and private lives of 17 artists.

Renowned Art Historian, Ernst Gombrich, once remarked that, “There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists.” That revelation could easily sums up FILM, a photography exhibition by Davy Linggar.

In this exhibition, Linggar turned the gaze onto 17 artists, where they were photographed in their studio, using large format film camera (hence, the title of the exhibition).

It is an intimate peek into the private lives of these artists, where little or almost nothing is known about them. But, at the same time, much is revealed through the photographs. In one of them, a huge frontal shot of Ugo Untoro’s pockmarked face glares defiantly right back at the viewers, daring them to judge. Mella Jaarsma radiates with maternalistic warmth as she welcomes the viewers into her space.

The exhibition answers and raises more vital questions. What is more important here, the artists or the art? Perhaps, some questions are better left for further contemplation. And if you wish to find out answers to such questions, then it will do you good to visit FILM before the run is over.


FILM by Davy Linggar

Jan 17th, 2015 – Feb 17th, 2015

The Papilion, Level 3

Jl. Kemang Raya No. 45 AA

+62 21 7190789